I’m not a very good masticator. I have to remind myself to chew my food more thoroughly even when I’m not in a hurry. This could explain my chronic digestive problems. Funny how certain things are hard to habituate no matter how much you chastise yourself and regret the consequences of your careless actions. This fact of life will become one of many thought-provoking themes in my posts.
Rather than dwell entirely on my own issues - I can be self-centered but don't want this blog to be just about me; I’m going to muse on friends & strangers around me and articulate my biased and blunt opinions of American society. Specifically what people put in their mouths, as well as when, why and how they eat & drink. I find the obesity epidemic both disturbing and fascinating. What's even more upsetting is human behavior coupled with capitalistic greed and reactionary political policies. I prefer not to discuss the dire situation with euphemisms, hence the appeal of anonymous blogging.
I hope my words will motivate readers to think twice before swallowing the lies, misleading simplifications and misinformation disseminated by the media, so-called "health" officials and politicians. In my book, knowledge is power and empowerment is vital for survival & happiness.